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Message Events

When a message comes in, Migaga can reply or automatically delete the message based on the content.
This is particularly useful for filtering profanity, or a lighthearted way to respond to that "same old question" new users usually ask.


  • Auto-deleted messages will be posted in server logs just like normally deleted messages.
  • Message events are also fired for edited messages, so Migaga can handle those trying to be tricky.

Getting Started

[Command] Setting up an auto-delete rule

/message events add-auto-delete <contains> <strict mode>

You must have the "Manage Messages" privilege to use this slash command.

This is the text to search the message for - Migaga searches messages loosely for this text.

Strict Mode
If strict mode is enabled, this event will only trigger if the messages contains only that which you have configured.

What to Expect
Once the auto delete has been set up, Migaga will begin to automatically delete messages which contain the text you provided.. even if it is edited in.

[Command] Setting up an auto-respond rule

/message events add-auto-delete <contains> <response> <strict mode>

You must have the "Manage Messages" privilege to use this slash command.

This is the text to search the message for - Migaga searches messages loosely for this text.

Response The text that Migaga will reply to the user with, if the text is matched.

Strict Mode
If strict mode is enabled, this event will only trigger if the messages contains only that which you have configured.

What to Expect
Once the auto reply has been set up, Migaga will begin to automatically reply to which contain the text you provided.